Anna, Meredith Cline also interpreted "Let us..." as referring to the heavenly court. Where do theologians find support for that position? I continue to benefit from your clear and careful walk through the issue of women in the body of Christ.

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023Author

Thanks, Donna! Yes, that is the conclusion of many commentators and has a tradition that extends back to Jewish and early Christian interpretation. Some also call Elohim the plural of majesty. They may be right. They say that elohim (gods) refers to the angels in Psalm 8:5 ("You have made him a little lower than the elohim") and Ps. 82:1, "He has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the elohim (gods) he holds judgment." That there is a heavenly court is beyond dispute. But the consensus of the church concerning Elohim as a plural in Genesis 1, as consonant or indicative of the divine persons, is expressed by Turretin in his Elentics, Volume 1, The One Triune God, Question XXVI.

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